
The Nitty-Gritty: Rules, Portions and General "Need to Knows"

Hey there all,

I thought I would add this lovely page to give everyone reading a few portions to think on.

  • Please comment on whatever you like but keep those comments clean (or I shall remove them.)
    • Feedback is nice and ideas or requests too!
    • Errors make me mad (literally, I get a bit crazy when I encounter them): if you find them, point them out to me and I shall fix them.
    • I am not a published author, yet. Try to be kind with your criticisms on short stories and such.
  • Why am I writing this blog?
    • To keep my mind busy.
    • To entertain myself.
    • To practice writing and the like.
    • To get ideas for larger works in the future.
    • To attempt to write every single day.
    • To have something that is completely mine and yet not mine at all.
Please enjoy!

I love you all,


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