
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Daily Chore List

Howdy Everyone,

I am writing today because I feel super overwhelmed. I was sick over the weekend and through today actually and thus, I am very behind on holiday preparations as well as everyday chores. It is funny how a little thing like a bad cold or the flu can really throw a girl off her A-game. Anyway, I devised a chore plan so I don't let things slide so far past their due dates, it is as follows.

Monday - Clean Bathroom. 4th  Monday each month deep clean.

Tuesday - Clean Kitchen (Aside from daily dishes/ cleaning) 3rd Tuesday of each month deep clean.

Wednesday- Prepare Snack for Ranger Kids (a K-2 group I volunteer at weekly). Clean Desk Area. Dust House. 2nd Wednesday of each month through dusting.

Thursday -  Vacuum house. 2nd Thursday of each month Vacuum under chairs etc/ deep clean Vacuum, filters and brush. (Should always have dusted day before)

Friday - Wash/Dry/Fold and put away all laundry. 4th Friday of each month change sheets/ duvet on bed (alternate months on mattress pad).

Saturday - Tidy up around house, front room, entry way. 3rd Saturday of each month Sweep/Mop Kitchen and Bathroom.

Sunday- REST

The goal of course is to keep a tidy home. Not that my home is a shambles now but it could do with a bit more love in some areas. Sadly, I let the hustle and bustle of everyday allow me to neglect my duties at home and it shows sometimes.

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