
Monday, March 16, 2015


It's funny how value works? I have something and I wanted it really bad when I first bought it but then after a while, after owning it and using it and after a few miles and a few dents I decide they I don't want it as much. Has its value changed? For me it has. How about for my friend who still wants it? No, for them, it holds the same value as it did for me when if was brand new. I guess the real issue is perception. Yes, that's it, the perception of value. If you want it and then you get it and then you no longer want it after a while, how much did you really want it to begin with? How do wants and needs affect value? If you both need something and want it, does that increase the value? I think, sometimes it might actually decrease it? Perhaps it simply allows some people to justify the value the place on something when they need it? Does anything actually have value? Perhaps, in a way, the only really valuable thing people have is time because as much as we try, you can only get what you get and you can't buy more from others. You can't trade it or bank it, you can simply spend it wisely. I suppose then that might lead to the reality check that people also have value. I once recall having the conversation about intrinsic vs. extrinsic value, the former being matters to me the latter being matters to everyone else including me.  The reality is that extrinsic value is assuming you can determine the value that another person will place on something, like, erm, life for instance.... That's a bit too overreaching but let's say for arguments sake, the idea that the outdoors should be preserved for future generations. Aside from the fact that a healthy ecosystem would allow for the longevity of the human race on Earth, there is no real way to determine what value, if any, the future people will place on the out of doors and more importantly, in say three generations, aside from the ecological standpoint, would they even really miss it? I digress, value, it is a tricky mistress, I would end with this, where your money is spent will shod what you value and in turn what you value will show who you are and then who you are will show how you connect and fit in with everyone else. Save your feelings of high value for worthwhile pursuits. 

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