
Friday, May 8, 2015

A poem about the Cares of this World

Weights in my pockets, wings on my feet, I'ma fly
By: C. Miller

Sometimes my lanyard hangs
like a 10 pound chain 
weighing me down 

Sometimes my eyes 
my heart 
and I feel lost.

Sometimes my eyes see things 
they don't want to see
My ears her things 
they don't want to hear
My mind knows things
it doesn't want to know

Sometimes life seems meaningless
Sometimes it makes complete sense

Whenever I think of it, it just depends

My perspective is elective depending on what road I'm on.
My brains collective of knowledge eclectic makes the most of being alone

Dreams may come and time stand still
But my mind it never will
Free falling down to the extreme
Please come down and break the dream

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