
Friday, April 10, 2015

A Love Letter

The soft whirr as you lay beside me makes my heart soften. I close my eyes and stretch my hands up, my arms extended in a pleasureable, almost warm feeling, as the tension leaves them.  The smooth cotton against my skin and the calmness of the night make me smile as my eyes flutter open. I see your tattoo through the slits of my eyes, it's colors blur and I know what it is without looking. I love you, It's a feeling I can't quite describe, like an itch that no longer needs scratching or the smell of the last batch of fresh baked brownies cooling on the kitchen counter. As you lay next to me, all I can feel is happiness, my world up to the moment I met you was colorless, darkness, void and with you came the light. I will never see the sunset the same, never taste food the same, even the very breath I am breathing is different because you are near me. Life is more alive. You have changed me into something new, someone beautiful. Before you, I was wasted, I could not begin to understand how much I was capable of loving someone and after I met you, I now cannot understand the possibly of loving anyone else. I passionately and completely devote myself to you, I promise to try to make each of your days better because I am in them. All I ask is that you give me the world and everything in it, and darling, I will give it back to you and everything I have within me just to spend each day held close in your embrace. My nose to your nose, my snot to your snot. You are my everything. 

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