
Monday, April 13, 2015

A poem I wrote when I was first dating Adam

A poem titled: Sometimes

Sometimes, have you ever
I mean, did you ever think,
feelings could go so far?

Sometimes, would you endeavor,
have you tried?
Do you know, would you?
Would you follow.

Follow paths as yet unbroken
By the step of man or woman
Would you walk, those walks, with me?

With me, as we each get older
Better now, then went at first
We perchance, took on to measure
The length and depth,
of how we're cursed

Cursed to fall and fall deeply
But sweetest curse I won't protest
Since I have been thus afflicted
I have felt but sorely blessed

Blessed, in ways my words no not
In manners high and sweetly toned
Blessed and blessing you acurs'ed 
How could I have ever known?

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