
Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Poem About My Husband

You're my someone to eat cheese with, the moon of my heart, pickles to my ice cream, chunks to my barf, hot-sauce to my popcorn, diet to my coke, the other half to my orange, the funny in my jokes, skittles to my sweet tooth, gas for my tank, you're everything I should have dreamed of but my mind came up blank, you kiss me when I need it, you kiss me when I don't, there's no need to remind you to care about Boat, your grin is like a beacon, in a stormy sea, your arms are like a snuggy, gently enfolding me, your eyes are mine, they never stray, your voice it booms and whispers, but it's always ok, your care for me is present, any time of day and loving you is easy, like a child at play, this stupid wooden poem, could never come close, to the truth of loving you, that I know the most. 

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