
Thursday, April 13, 2017

First Day Back

Well, it's Adam's first day back to work after he broke his foot. I have been running myself ragged trying to keep up with all the duties we shared and I feel exhausted. I think if it were just the regular duties, I could keep up, but add to that the special needs of his Mom and his own new set of needs that are connected to his present difficulties and the task of being Mrs. Adam is daunting at best and I am feeling far less than my best as of late. I am kicking myself for being angry about a friends comments on my own laziness and my reaction to their statements that Adam did the brunt of the work in our relationship. While I accepted that it could have been true before, I see now that it really was the case. I had the majority of household chores but what really made his load Javier was the full time working and the care for his mother. I cannot go to work for him, would that I could, to save him the difficulties he is having in mobility. He is scrapeing about on crutches with a compression bandage and a boot on his bum foot; trying not to put pressure on it. The man weights upwards of 450 pounds, he can barely get up from the ground if he falls, the idea that the brunt of his weight is going to sit on one side for the next six months is nothing if not scary. How much damage is he going to do to his hip in that time, his other foot? What happens if he falls again and then gets injured more severely? I perish the thought. Well, it is early and while my poor injured soul of a husband heads off to his daily grind, I intend on trying to get some sleep, which has been escaping me as of late.

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